Tag Archives: books

12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You

My phone is a window into the worthless and the worthy, the artificial and the authentic. Some days I feel as if my phone is a digital vampire, sucking away my time and my life. Other days, I feel like a cybernetic centaur — part human, part digital — as my phone and I blend seamlessly into a complex tandem of rhythms and routines.

— Reinke, T. (2017), 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You, Crossway.

Raising Steam

It is hard to understand nothing, but the multiverse is full of it. Nothing travels everywhere, always ahead of something, and in the great cloud of unknowing nothing yearns to become something, to break out, to move, to feel, to change, to dance and to experience – in short, to be something.

— Pratchett, T. (2013), Raising Steam, Doubleday